Are There Any Crazy Ideas Bouncing Around In Your Head That YOU Want To Bring To Life?
Manchester, NH was built upon innovation,
So let’s hear your ideas! We want to know: what can we do to help you launch your plans? Whether it is marketing support, funding, or finding you a company operator, we’re ready to listen.

Tell us about your idea

Peddl - Manchesters FIRST pedi cab!
Mike Cashion became the owner and chief executive at Peddl after submitting to #CrazyMHTIdea in August, 2018. This 100% human-powered transportation service is also Manchester NH’s first pedicab!
You can find Mike giving happy citizens a ride in the Pedi Cab from spring through late fall.

MHT’S First Independent Bookstore
Located in the heart of the city, Bookery offers a cozy space to read/buy books, eat great food and attend a multitude of community events weekly
Always a dream of @lizesc you can find Bookery at 848 Elm Street.